
We would like to thank the following Sponsors and Donors for their financial support for the Argrow's House of Healing and Hope Fundraising Gala!


Gold Hope Sponsors



Silver Hope Sponsors



Community Hope Donors 

Starr and Michael Norville
Gathering of Women
Halligan-McCabe- DeVries Funeral Home, Inc.
Bruce and Luann Rickert
Eye Surgeons Associates
Nana Noriega
Karla and Dan Ostroski
Alpha and Faye Jalloh


Silent Auction Donors 

 Illuminate Reiki Studio
Crafted Quad Cities
Nancy Renkes
Tina Rina Salon & Spa
Power Packed Eating
Salon Aria
Artist Nana Noriega
Barb Montgomery
The Spa at Black Hawk Hotel
Miss Iowa, Mikhayla Hughes-Shaw
Necker’s Jeweler’s
Nelson Chiropractic
Bucktown Center for the Arts
Artist Dan Johnson
Expressions Jewelers
Chocolate Manor 


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